Conflicts in the strategic business network operating in the foreign market

Aleksandra Hauke-Lopes

Conflicts are an integral part of every business-to-business co-operation. Enterprise’s activities in the international markets require from the company to take measures to resolve the conflict so as to prevent the negative impact on relationships and further cooperation. This article adopts the strategic network approach to analyze the conflicts and their impact on relationships in a network operating in a foreign market. Conflicts that occur between the two parties involved in a strategic business network also affect other cooperating entities and thereby influence the whole relationship. It is therefore important for the strategic business leader to take action to achieve the positive effects of a conflict situation. The article presents the main sources of conflict present in the literature and the actions that can be taken by the leader of the strategic business network in the foreign market in order to obtain positive effects of conflicts. It also highlights the elements that contribute to reducing the negative impact of conflicts and strengthen relationships in the strategic business network in the foreign market.

Conflicts in the strategic business network operating in the foreign market


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