An analysis of employee motivation systems in Pomeranian enterprises

Michał Igielski

Purpose. Effective business management allows taking action in line with one’ mission and strategic goals. In the 21st century, it is becoming a priority for organizations, regardless of the size of its operations, to facilitate the work of the personnel. Human capital is the driving force behind the company’s development and has a significant impact on its competitive position, and the motivation of employees is an integral part of a well-functioning company. How will motivated employees reflect on the performance and profits of the business. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze incentive systems in Pomeranian enterprises and to identify the most effective motivators for their staff.
Methodology. The research objectives will be achieved by analyzing the available theory and conclusions from the author’s empirical research conducted in 2017. Its primary objective was to determine the extent of application of the concept of human capital management in the audited entities and to identify the main determinants (including barriers) of its development. The study was designed as a general standardized questionnaire describing the study subject, as well as individual interviews with 600 respondents.
Findings. The analyses have clearly shown human capital to build competitive advantage in the examined entities. It has also been shown that effective motivation through non-pay elements is only possible if the staff are satisfied with their pay.

An analysis of employee motivation systems in Pomeranian enterprises


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