Justyna Rutecka, Joanna Bednarz
Currently, banks offer a wide range of products and services that are available on the Internet. They are addressed especially to younger clients, called generation Y. They are active participants on the Internet and expect to have quick and convenient access to banking products and accumulated funds. The article presents the results of an empirical study. The main objective of this study was to examine the interest of Poles from generation Y in Internet banking services. It was also important to indicate the types of banking services which young clients are mostly interested in and the reasons why they use this distribution and communication channel. The analysis showed that 97% of the representatives of the generation Y are active users of online banking. They appreciate direct access to their money from any place and at any time. 93% of this generation’s representatives use payment cards and are able to make on-line payments. The survey has also shown that this group of customers rarely visits bank offices personally. They prefer to access their financial resources through on-line channels.
Generation Y’s interest in internet banking services – the results of empirical studies