Engineering knowledge pacemaker entrepreneurship in the age of the new economy

Krzysztof Ficoń

The article presents information challenges of the new economy enterprises in the field of efficient use of resources in-formation stored in the information and communication systems. Modern companies are inun-dated with an avalanche of information in the form of elementary con-text-source data with little usefulness in making business decisions. This phenomenon is to counteract modern technologies, data extraction and compression of information among developed within the engineering know-between (Knowledge Engineering). Were discussed in detail three selected methods of OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing), DM (Data Mining) and BI (Business Intelligence) is increasingly used on virtual platforms Cloud Computing. Intelligent selection of information source and dedicated personalization business knowledge is a huge challenge to the entire sector IT and requires radical solutions conceptual and techno-logical.

Engineering knowledge pacemaker entrepreneurship in the age of the new economy


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