Review of key retirement income methanisms in the United States

Jakub Szpytma

The article describes the major financial mechanisms that are used to generate retirement income in the US (United States). Financing retirement has become an increasingly important topic with recent news about the financial troubles of ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) in Poland and Social Security in the US. Due to strong economic and demographic pressures, saving for retirement has become even more significant. Each retirement income mechanism is discussed in terms of historical backgrounds, functions, advantages, disadvantages, or survey data. The article’s objective is to provide a concise summary of Social Security, pensions, financial investments, and 401(k) retirement plans while offering some policy and behavioral recommendations. The 401(k) plans are discussed in more detail since along with Social Security they form the foundation of retirement income for many individuals who are employed in the non-public sector.

Review of key retirement income methanisms in the United States


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